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LPA To Take Another Look at The Arches

One year after voting no on a Future Land Use Map Amendment that would have set the Arches redevelopment project on a better path, the Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency will take another look at the project on April 8th. 


Is The Beach Desperate For Hotel Rooms?

Before Hurricane Ian, including Margaritaville’s 254 rooms, there were approximately 2,000 hotel rooms at 43 different locations on Fort Myers Beach. Where does that number stand today, nearly 2 ½ years after Hurricane Ian, and what’s the outlook for the next few years? 

Join The Town’s Charter Commission

Applications are now being accepted for the Fort Myers Beach 5-person charter commission. The goal of the commission will be to review the Fort Myers Beach charter, take input from the community and make recommendations to the Town Council.

We Need 49 Coffees to Hit Our March Revenue Goal

2 LIVE parade broadcasts, the latest news about the biggest developments and unsafe structures on the island,  two weekend shows and breaking news every day. To keep the news flowing about your slice of paradise, we need your support HERE or HERE.

We Have a Killer Show On Tap For Saturday

At 11AM Protect FMB Spokesman Greg Scasny joins the program to discuss the battle to stop Seagate’s Red Coconut redevelopment plan. After Greg, Captain Chris Wittman joins the show from Captains For Clean Water. We go live from Margaritaville at 11AM.

Come to The Show…Win Cool Stuff

Starting this Saturday, and every Saturday moving forward, anyone that comes to our show on the beautiful terrace at Margaritaville Resort will automatically be entered into a drawing to win a great prize from the resort and BTR merch. Here are the details...

Harbormaster on The Sunday Show

Before Mayor Dan Allers joins us at Wahoo Willie's on Sunday, Fort Myers Beach Harbormaster Curtis Ludwig will update the community on the canals being cleaned, the mooring field and the big party planned for boaters in April. We go live Sunday at 10AM.

Mobile Clinic Coming to FMB Strong

The Premier Mobile Health Services Mobile Medical Clinic will be at FMB Strong on Thursday, march 27th from 9AM to 1PM. Anyone without health insurance that can show proof of income below 200% of federal poverty guidelines pays nothing for care.

SCCF Hosting Nest Fest

The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation is hosting its first-ever Nest Fest — a celebration of Sanibel and Captiva's annual sea turtle and shorebird nesting season. The festivities will take place from 5-7 p.m. on April 14 at the Sanibel Community House.

Do Not Throw Away That Food

Lee County Solid Waste’s eighth annual Donated not Wasted food rescue campaign encourages seasonal residents and visitors to donate unopened pantry items before returning north.

Boating Safety Class in April

Boating enthusiasts seeking to obtain the state boating safety certificate are encouraged to enroll in a one-day responsible boating class on Saturday, April 19th from 9AM to 5PM. 

How Would You Like to Adopt a Greyhound?

Adoptable Greythounds of Florida is hosting an event in Fort Myers next month. The dogs are retired racing Greyhounds from Australia, Ireland and the UK.

Who Are The Best Bartenders on The Island?

The women and men behind the bars on Fort Myers Beach have been working their tails off, not only during this busy beach season, but since Hurricane Ian when the going was extremely tough. It’s time to recognize the best of the best. Here’s how…
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