300 Trucks of Sand Are On The Way


(By Ed Ryan) A parade of trucks will begin marching over the Matanzas Pass bridge starting Monday to replace 6000 tons of beach sand that washed away along 600 linear feet in Lynn Hall Park on Fort Myers Beach during Tropical Storm ETA.

The Lee County emergency re-nourishment project should take about two weeks and will cost $200,000. The money to pay for the project is coming from Lee County’s $4.7 million beach re-nourishment trust fund.

Workers will use the weekend to set up for the project before the sand trucks begin rolling in on Monday. A conveyor belt will be set up to deliver the sand from the trucks to the beach to avoid damaging the new walkover the county recently installed. Heavy duty machines will then spread the sand out along the beach.

While the work is taking place, half of the parking lot will be closed as well as the Lynn Hall Park portion of the beach. Beachgoers are being encouraged not to walk on that portion of the beach for safety purposes.

The project is expected to be completed by December 24th.

The last Lee County emergency beach re-nourishment project was shortly after Hurricane Irma at Crescent Beach. That storm was undermining the sea wall.

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