5 Questions With Chief Wirth About The Upcoming Storm


With a soon-to-be Hurricane forming in The Gulf of Mexico, this is a situation Fort Myers Beach residents and visitors have seen before. What should you do to be prepared as you monitor the situation? Fort Myers Beach Fire Chief Scott Wirth has the answers.

BTR: What advice can you give residents to prepare for this storm?
Fire Chief Scott Wirth: Now is the time to be preparing for the full potential of this storm. Assure emergency kits are ready to go in case evacuation becomes necessary. Monitor media regularly and heed warnings as they are issued. Preparation resources are available at our website (fmbfirefl.gov) or the Lee County Hurricane Preparedness Guide is available at Leegov.com.

BTR: Should anyone evacuate now?
Fire Chief Scott Wirth: At this time, and with the latest storm track, evacuations are not anticipated. It’s highly possible this can change with the updated storm track in the coming days. 

BTR: What is the fire department’s plan if there is a storm of significance?
Fire Chief Scott Wirth: In the event of a significant storm, the fire district does as we encourage others to do; we secure our facilities and prepare to evacuate inland. We will continue to respond to emergencies until the weather prevents us from responding safely. Once the storm passes, we return to the district with the focus on saving life first, property second. To protect life we must rescue first, recover anyone who perishes, secure hazards such as downed power lines, gas leaks, etc. then work with the town to clear debris and then get citizens back to their homes and businesses. 

BTR: If there is a storm – more than a rain event – what is the process to get anyone who evacuates back on the island?
Fire Chief Scott Wirth: The Town has passes available for homeowners and business owners. 

BTR: Biggest lesson you learned from Ian that will help with any future storm?
Fire Chief Scott Wirth: With the scale of the operation of searching the island after a storm like Ian, the fire district and Town will jointly request from the State, a full-scale incident management team and collaborate on post-storm operations right from the start. As I stated earlier, there’s an order to reopen the district; search, rescue, and recovery first, then secure remaining hazards, then collect debris, then open the district to civilians once it is safe. 




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