Former Sanibel Manager To Speak at Orlando Conference


Long-time Sanibel resident Judy Zimomra will be a speaker at the 2022 Florida City and County Management Association Annual Conference next month. Zimomra was the City Manager of Sanibel from 2001 to 2021. She’ll be speaking on “Life After City Management”.

Zimomra was appointed to the Ohio State University John Glenn College of Public Affairs faculty in January of this year. This past semester she taught courses in Public Policy Writing and Communication Skills as well the Capstone course for graduating seniors. Zimomra’s first job in public service was as a summer CETA worker assigned to the City of Newton Falls, Ohio where she was on a crew painting City infrastructure.

The FCCMA is a professional organization of practicing public administrators from Florida’s local governments. The Association was chartered in 1946 as a non-profit corporation and is dedicated to serving the state’s 479 cities and counties, promoting the city-manager form of government.

Since her retirement 2021, Zimomra has served as a member of the Board of the Friends of Mahoning River, a non profit organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Mahoning River watershed She has also been selected to join the Board of Directors of the Heritage Accord, a non-profit organization restoring and renovating the Newton Falls, Ohio 1942 U.S.O., which is now a National Historical Landmark.

Zimomra is also an award winning nature photographer.

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