Council to Consider Extending Herin Contract


At their 3PM meeting Thursday the Fort Myers Beach town council will consider extending town attorney John Herin’s contract for another year. The one-year proposed contract extension does not include a fee increase.

The proposed 2023 budget shows the town spent $220,475 in legal expenses back in 2020. In 2021 the town spent over $327,000. So far this year, $137,804 has been spent and the town has a budget of $250,000. Another $250,000 is proposed for fiscal 2023.

Herin is paid to represent the town council and attend all town council meetings.

Herin is a lawyer for the Miami law firm of Fox Rothschild. In the past, Vice Mayor Rexann Hosafros has expressed her desire to see a local attorney represent the town.

A resolution on the Thursday agenda states that Herin has met or will be meeting individually with members of the council for their performance comments and reviews. The resolution does not include how much the town pays Herin for his services.

The current agreement with Herin expires September 30, 2022. If approved, the new agreement will keep Herin on as the town attorney through September of 2023.