Fire District Millage Will Not Increase


Despite rising prices for equipment and fuel, skyrocketing inflation, and a personnel heavy operation, Fire Chief Ron Martin recommended, and the Fire District Board agreed unanimously, to keep the millage rate at 2.9851 per $1,000 of assessed property valuation.

At that millage rate, the fire district will generate $15 million in revenue, compared to $13.1 million in the current fiscal year. The fire department also generates revenue from impact fees and other services in addition to the Ad Valorem taxes (the millage rate). The district also has millions of dollars in fund balances and reserves.

All in the fire district budget totals $28.9 million, $16.8 million for expenses and $12.1 million for fund balances and reserves.

Nearly $12 million of the 2022-2023 budget will go toward personnel, up 2.6% from the current fiscal year. The district employs over 60 people.

The final public hearing on the budget will be September 28th at 5:15 PM.

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