Easter Services on Fort Myers Beach


There are several Easter Sunday services being held on Fort Myers Beach this year, including one out on the sand. Here are all the details.

Beach Baptist is hosting an Easter Sunday service under the church on Estero Boulevard. Pastor Shawn Critser tells is that service starts at 10:30 and breakfast will be served to all beginning at 9.

Pastor Sharon Taylor tells us St. Peter Lutheran is hosting services in the St. Peter Church parking lot on Easter Sunday at 8:30am. She says it will be an informal, outdoor worship. If you plan to attend, bring a lawn chair.

The Rev. Jean Hite tells us they are celebrating Easter Resurrection on Sunday at 10:00am in the Memorial Garden at St Raphael’s on Williams Drive (5601). Bring your own chair.

Annie Meehan will be hosting an Easter service on the sand of Fort Myers Beach this year, She’ll be at Newton Park from 6:45 to 7:45 Easter morning and she’s inviting the entire community to bring a lawn chair and attend. Annie can be reached by e-mail at Annie@anniemeehan.com

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