Veach Apologizes For Inappropriate Maskless Photo


At the end of Monday’s meeting, Fort Myers Beach Town Councilman Bill Veach apologized for this picture which was taken at a September council meeting. Earlier this year the Town Council approved a social distancing and mask mandate which this picture clearly violates.

Veach has been a very srtong proponent of wearing a mask during the pandemic and even did a demonstration when appearing on episode #122 of Beach Talk Radio back on July 19th.

Veach said he wanted to apologize for the optics of the picture and called it inappropriate.

The town briefly discussed the mask ordinance Monday morning. Town attorney John Herin believes the town can still levy fines on residents and business owners despite the Governor’s order to suspend all fines that had been levied due to any social distancing or mask tickets issued in the station of Florida.

Town Councilman Jim Atterholt asked Herin to provide clarification to businesses on the beach. Herin said the beach ordinance is still in place and still enforceable.

Not a single mask or social distancing ticket has been issued on Fort Myers Beach.

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