Diamondhead Day Passes Now Available


The resort on Estero Boulevard announced last week that day passes for the recently opened pool are now available for $20.00. Passes for kids 12 years of age and under are $10.00. The pass includes parking. The passes can be purchased at the front desk of the resort.


  1. We are Lee County residents and live in San Carlos Park.

    My family would like to come for lunch one day over Memorial Day weekend. Can we buy passes for the kids to use the pool while we’re there for lunch?

    We also want to inquire about staying at Diamond Head for Labor Day weekend 2024. We stayed last year for Labor Day weekend and had a great time. We try to support our neighbors on Fort Myers Beach as we all rebuild.

  2. I am enquiring about purchasing day passes when my company arrives so it would be 4 adults the week of March 1. Are the day passes available Mon thru Friday and what does it include?

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