Beach Renourishment Bid Opening Moved


Bids will now be opened Friday for the massive pipeline beach renourishment project the town is hoping to start in June. The bids were originally expected to be opened yesterday. The first round of bids for this project came in $10 million over the $22 million budget.

When both the truck-haul and dredging beach renourishment projects are complete, Fort Myers Beach will see $43 million worth of new sand (1.3 million yards). 900,000 yards of the 1.3 million will be from the dredging project with the balance from the truck-haul project.

The start of the dredging project is contingent upon a vendor actually meeting the $22 million budget.

The approximately $22 Million beach renourishment project is being funded through multiple sources: Lee County ($6,431,534), The Florida Department of Environmental Protection ($14,013,346), FEMA ($1,408,050) and the town ($2,247,741).

The bids will be opened at 11:15 at Town Hall and we will broadcast it live on our Facebook page and on our YouTube Channel.


  1. This rule is only relevant for homes and businesses in the private sector; it seems the government has a pass when it comes to harming turtles. We used to discover turtle nests almost annually until the town initiated artificial beach nourishment. Since they’ve added over 600 feet of replenished sand in front of our beachfront property, we haven’t seen a single turtle nest for more than 15 years. This entire situation stems from unreliable scientific practices and ongoing falsehoods propagated by the town, which appears to be redirecting the funds for its own use.


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