Town Working on $50 Million Worth of Storm Projects


From beach access repairs to replacing the dingy dock to repairing the north and south pump station buildings, Fort Myers Beach is working with FEMA and the State of Florida for funding approval for 30 projects as a result of Hurricane Ian nearly 2 years ago.

Tidal Basin is the town’s consultant on this effort. The company is responsible to provide FEMA with all the details from each project and submit those requests to FEMA. FEMA will then decide whether the projects meet the criteria that would qualify the town for funding. Tidal Basin then works on getting the funds for those projects from FEMA and the State of Florida.

So far 8 projects totaling $19.9 million have been obligated through this process with another $28.8 million pending. Tidal Basin is expecting $1.3 million to be obligated any day for beach access repairs. Other projects include: repairs to the mooring field and dingy dock, road sign repairs, sidewalk and road repairs, waterway debris removal and the Old San Carlos light post replacement.

Projects that have already been obligated include: the emergency beach berm ($9.3 million in federal money), beach renourishment ($1.6 million in federal money), lost and damaged town vehicles ($7,200 in federal money), the Palm Avenue restroom trailers ($36,000 in federal money) and the temporary town hall trailers ($50,000 in federal money). Tidal Basin representatives say that when these projects are obligated 90% of the funds come from the federal government, 5% from the state, and the town pays the other 5%.

One project that has been unclear from any of the public discussions is where the town pool repairs are in the process. There has certainly been no indication when the pool might reopen. There was a brief mention of the pool on Monday but no clear information on its future or how much it may cost to repair. The pool has been closed since Hurricane Ian damaged it.



  1. Please we need this community pool. A lot of residents do not have a private pool. Our children and grandchildren love to spend hot days at the pool.
    We have an annual family pass, loved going there.
    Please the community needs this pool.


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