The Gallery is Now Open


The Fort Myers Beach Art Association has announced the opening of the Fall Judged Show, Calm in Chaos. Gallery hours are Monday-Thursday 10-3pm with limited capacity and masks required.

The show features a variety of framed and matted works for sale. Barbara Anderson Hill judged the show, which was sponsored by the Red Coconut RV park.

Sue Pink for Blu

Recipients for the awards are:
Best of Show and 1st place (Lee Ackert Memorial Award): ($300): Sue Pink for Blu

2nd: ($150): Robert Mueller for Bushwick Avenue

3rd place (Gretchen Johnson Memorial Award) ($100): Julie Nusbaum for Just a Little Outside

Maya Bryant for Plein Air ($100): Carol Goodling for Under the Bridge
Merit Award (2): ($50 each):
Kathy Taylor for From Doc Fords
Penny Fox for A Stitch in Time
Honorable Mention Award (2): ($35 each):
Michele Barron Buelow for Tween the Waters
JoAnn LaPadula for Pesce Leone

Studio Two features a new show, Following Vlad. During the spring shutdown and the months that followed, six artists from the Fort Myers Beach Art Association followed Sarasota artist Vladislav Yeliseyev for his “Paint Along with Vlad” weekly on-line painting sessions. This exhibition features the works done by six FMBAA artists during Vlad’s paint-along sessions. Artists exhibiting are Kathy Taylor, Penny Fox, Susanne Brown, Donna Thorp, Marie Crist, and Carol Bastin. The artists received a photo of the scene to be painted in advance of the paint-along so they could get a start on preparing a sketch. Each session began with a discussion of the sketch to settle on the composition and values. All works are in watercolor. One of the artists, Kathy Taylor, said “in preparation for each paint-along session I hooked my computer up to my big screen TV and painted with Vlad just like I was in his studio.” The show is now open and runs through Thursday, November 19th.

FMBAA is pleased to welcome John Rizza as Artist of the month at the Shucker’s Galleria. John has been featured in multiple newspapers, at least one magazine and news spots. FMBAA has partnered with Shucker’s who have graciously offered to use their indoor dining room to display and sell artworks. They are also hosting our plein air painters at their monthly Art Walk event on Tuesday afternoon, November 24. Shucker’s at the Gulfshore is located at 1250 Estero Blvd. Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931.

Members can join now for $50 which includes from now through the end of 2021. Membership goes up to $60 if you wait until after January 1. Membership provides discounts on classes and workshops, a place to create art with no additional fees, library use, only 20% sales commission to gallery, plus tax. Art Divine has nothing priced over $150; artists get 100% commission less sales tax.