Do Not Do Repairs Without a Permit


That’s the message from the Town of Fort Myers Beach. Hurricane Helene caused water damage to structures throughout the island and if you are in doubt if your repairs need to be permitted, you should call the town and ask.

Following Hurricane Ian a lot of repairs were done without permits. Some of that work is starting to be found and the repercussions of doing the work without permits are starting to be felt. For just under two years Mayor Dan Allers has said that if you do work without a permit you will eventually get caught. 

Here’s the message the town has shared with residents following the most recent storm: “The Town of Fort Myers Beach began its damage assessment process following Hurricane Helene and would like to remind you that it is illegal to do work without a permit. As we assess the homes and businesses on the Island, please be smart and call our permitting staff at 239-765-0202 or email us at with any questions you may have. It’s always better to reach out to us before we have to reach out to you.”


  1. It is prudent to inform the public about permitting but the optics look bad. People need all of the encouragement they can get and not another shove toward the cliff. People have had more than they can handle. Permitting is a necessary evil but dealing with this crap again will result in more and more homeowners and business owners simply bailing out and leaving the Island, saying screw FEMA, screw permitting, screw insurance, screw government and screw ALL of this, “I’m out”.

  2. I don’t agree with paying for permits. We’ve paid over $125,000 in permit fees thus far. We should pay more?
    Let the developments commence and we can rebuild our tax base that way. Instead the FMB clown show want the island to continue looking like a shit hole dump….
    No trees, trailers, garbage everywhere, overgrown lots. But heaven forbid someone builds something a little bigger that will actually BE NICE.

    • One of the biggest houses being built Gulf front right now paid a little over $12500 in permit fees for a $3.3 million two family home, so unless you are talking about a whole condo, I find your claim suspect. If you dont like the “clown show”, maybe take your circus out of town. I still dont want overbuilding, no matter how NICE.

  3. It would be nice if there was list of work that doesn’t need a permit. After Ian the town had that list. I screenshotted that list at the time, but now that list is gone. For example removing and installing “wall” drywall did not need a permit, while ceiling drywall did. Replacing like kind cabinets did not need a permit, while removing and installing a tub did need a permit. Not sure what permits are needed now? The list would alleviate the calls and emails asking the same questions. Also will permits be free like after Ian?


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