BTR 5K Raises $16,500 For Woman’s Club


Our New Year’s Eve 5K, which started and ended at DiamondHead Resort, on Fort Myers Beach raised $16,500 for the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club. 640 people registered for the 2nd annual event. 

Despite having to navigate a bit of the beach renourishment equipment David Harris from Saratoga Springs, New York finished the race in a time of 17:03 to take the top male finisher award. Illinois resident Rachel Keele was the top female finisher with a time of 19:28. The top three finishers in every age category went home with a nice medal.
We want to thank the town of Fort Myers Beach for their help with the event, especially Ranger Bob Monohan who arrived early and helped us lay out the course in the fog. 

Also a big thank you to Lisa at The Rude Shrimp Company for helping shuttle runners from Times Square to the resort in her golf cart.

Check out this video of the event that Dave from Remove it Pro’s put together for us.

We would like to thank all the runners and walkers that registered, DiamondHead Resort for hosting and all over our 2024 sponsors below. We’ll see you in May for the Day Before Mothers Day 5K.

DiamondHead Beach Resort
GullWing Beach Resort
Lovers Key Resort
Pointe Estero Beach Resort
SunStream Hotels & Resorts
La Ola Surfside Restaurants 
DiamondHead Beach Resort
Jorge Barrera – Real Estate Agent
Sandy Bottom
Price Electric
Eagle Eye Aluminum
Coastal Vacation Properties
The Alex King Group
Studio AD Architect
State Insurance USA
Michael Stewart
The Bagel Factory

If you did not receive a race shirt during our Foggy 5K, they will be mailed out to you in the next few days.


  1. Great job Ed and Kim. Always trying to find a way to raise funds and awareness to support the community. We are glad to have met you both while we were on Time square. The beach may never be the old schools feel, but the people that made you feel at home, like you two, will always be what makes FMB so inviting.


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