How You Can Help A Beach Friend


By now you’ve heard about 17-year old Jaciey, killed in a horrific car crash Wednesday morning on Gladiolus. Jaciey was part of the team at Nervous Nervous Nellie’s, and her mom Trish works at DiamondHead Beach Resort as a server at Cabañas Beach Bar & Grille.

The unthinkable is happening. Trish is now making funeral arrangements for her daughter and a GoFundMe page has been created to help with expenses. No parent should have to deal with losing and burying a child.

Let’s make some Yellow Army magic happen and remove this financial burden from Trish’s worry list. Many of you donated Thursday night when we first posted the donation page to our Facebook page.

The funeral will cost about $25,000. You can donate HERE.

Family and friends are holding a candlelight vigil tonight at 5:45PM at Lakes Park.



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