Join The Town’s Charter Commission


Applications are now being accepted for the Fort Myers Beach 5-person charter commission. The goal of the commission will be to review the Fort Myers Beach charter, take input from the community and make recommendations to the Town Council.

The charter review takes place only once every ten years. Recommended changes would need to be approved by the Town Council then placed on the next ballot (November 2026).

Here are the requirements:
– Must be a full-time resident of the Town of Fort Myers Beach.
– Must submit a resume of your relevant experience.
– If you currently serve on a Town board, committee, or council you may request a waiver for service on more than one committee.
– You will not be required to file a Form 1 with the Florida Commission of Ethics.
– If appointed, you will be subject to compliance with Florida’s Sunshine, Public Records, and Ethics Law.

The deadline to apply is May 15th at 5PM.

Fill out the application HERE.

Examples of charter changes could be: making the Mayor an elected position rather than appointed by the council; changing the pay of elected officials; when the Town Council holds meetings; changing how ordinances are approved.

This has nothing to do with the Comprehensive Plan, The Land Development Code (those meetings are coming up too) or specific ordinances like the ebike sidewalk ordinance. It has to do with how the town government operates and functions.

Read the current Town Charter HERE.


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