You Saved The Clock


The Fort Myers Beach Town Council made it clear that they all received a lot of feedback that both residents and visitors wanted a clock to be part of a redeveloped Times Square. And that’s what will happen.

It may look a little different – or newer – and it may be a few feet from where it sits now, however, the Town Manager was given solid direction from the council that the clock needs to stay.

Town Manager Roger Hernstadt complained that finding parts to repair the clock was a problem. So, an option that will be considered is buying a new clock. Hernstadt estimated the cost for a new clock at $50,000. The council didn’t balk at the price being that it sounds like the sails that were presented in the Times Square design – that block the view of the sunset – will most likely be removed. The sails cost $100,000.

Kudos to all of you for voicing your opinion which led to change.

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