Will This Be The New Home For The Iconic Arches?


Fort Myers Beach Town Councilman Jim Atterholt’s location suggestion to reconstruct what’s left of the arches seems to be gaining steam. The northern most entry point to the beach in Lynn Hall Park has been unanimously approved by the organization that has been behind this movement for years.

The Restore The Arches group voted in favor of the Lynn Hall Park location this week. And, while this is only in the discussion stage right now, the Fort Myers Beach Town Council seemed to be in favor of this site when the topic came up at a recent Management & Planning meeting.

The Lynn Hall Park location would need to be approved by Lee County being that it’s a Lee County Park. Atterholt suggested the arch could be considered for either side of that park entrance.

Another option is the northern most beach access to Bowditch Point, pictured here to the right.

Atterholt told us Thursday that he had a discussion with Lee County Commissioner Ray Sandelli who told him that if the town of Fort Myers Beach and the Save The Arches organization were united on a location he would certainly try to help at the county level.

There are 17 stones from the original arches remaining, about 1/3 of the original structure.

That amounts to 60,000 lbs of stone. The estimated cost of replacing a 60ft Arch is approximately $75,000 according to the Restore The Arches organization. The group has said it will pay for the restoration project.

The arches welcomed residents and visitors to Fort Myers Beach, where the Matanzas Pass bridge now sits, from 1924-1979. When they were knocked down to construct the new bridge not all the pieces were saved. Those that were are now in storage.

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