On Estero Boulevard This Week


We did get confirmation from the contractor that they are still on track for “substantial completion of the Estero Boulevard project by the end of 2021.” Here’s your weekly Estero Boulevard road construction update so you can plan your travel accordingly.

Contractors for the Town of Fort Myers Beach and Lee County are installing new water main, sanitary sewer force main, storm drainage, and sidewalk and rebuilding roadway on Estero Boulevard from Strandview Avenue/Publix to the south end of the island.

Two travel lanes are expected to remain open the majority of the project; however, motorists may experience daytime or nighttime one-lane traffic on Estero Boulevard. Flaggers will alternate traffic frequently, but motorists should expect delays. Motorists may also experience momentary delays while crews move materials for the construction activities. Crews are expected to work Monday through Friday and some Saturdays.

Construction in Progress
Segments 3 & 4 (Strandview Ave/Publix to Albatross Street) and Segments 5 & 6 (Albatross Street to the end of the island)

Segment 3 & 4 – Strandview Ave/Publix to Albatross Street
Strandview Avenue to Lazy Way – Motorists may experience intermittent closures while crews work on the center lane drainage system.

Lazy Way to Flamingo Street
· Northbound traffic is shifted to the center lane while crews pour concrete driveways on the bay side.
· Week of 1/25, crews are expected to open all traffic lanes from Lazy Way to Flamingo Street.

Flamingo Street to Bahia Via Drive – North and south bound traffic is shifted to the bay side for installation of conduit, forming of the concrete curb and sidewalk, and to rebuild roadway on the beach side.

Bahia Via Drive to Albatross Street – Northbound traffic is shifted to the center lane to rebuild roadway on the bay side.

Segment 5 & 6 – Albatross Street to the end of the island
· North and south bound traffic is shifted to the beach side while crews clear the right-of-way, install storm drainage and rebuild the roadway on the bay side.
· The sidewalk in front of Santini Plaza has been removed for Estero Boulevard improvement work. Crosswalks to the Santini Plaza are available at Lenell Road and at the center of the plaza. The south crosswalk is closed.
· The week of 1/25, crews will be milling the asphalt in the closed northbound lane from Buccaneer Lane to the end of the island.
· Beginning Tuesday, 1/26 through Thursday 1/28, crews will be installing storm drainage on Tarpon Road at Estero Boulevard. Tarpon Road will be reduced to one-lane traffic for this work. Flaggers will alternate traffic frequently, but motorists should expect delays.


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