Art Festival a Smashing Success


There was perfect weather for the 2nd annual Lover’s Key Invitational this past weekend.

Best in show was awarded to husband and wife duo Wayne Gao and Michelle Cheng (pictured) for their mixed media ceramic tile art. Three dimensional lines techniques from China is mixed with USA ceramic arts. The characteristic of the ceramic technique is free hand painted and then special glazes are used to raise up the designs on a slab of clay to project it into a three dimensional image. This method utilizes a particular medium temperature fruit glaze and then firing in a high temperature Kim to achieve art that has a three dimensional image and then is finished up with their own formula glazes to achieve vivid colors.

Runners up we’re Dr. Jane with her nature photography and Isaac Brooks with his hand carved cypress and Florida would pieces.

If you missed Isaac or Dr. Jane at last weekends event, both will be appearing at the 2nd annual Mermaid Festival which takes place Easter weekend, Friday Saturday and Sunday April 2-4 10 AM to 5 PM both days. This next Art Festival presented by Blue Ribbon Events will also feature morning yoga, a mermaid contest and many educational earth awareness groups who all have one mission in common, to protect our waterways and local natural resources.