School Board Delays Bay Oaks Plan


The Bay Oaks Committee met on Monday and were notified that the Lee County School Board has concerns with the placement of a ball field in the new Bay Oaks campus proposal. Lee County owns land in that area and will need to sign an inter-local agreement to swap land with the town for the project to proceed.

BORCAB met to review and approve the latest site plan for the redevelopment project as the next step to securing a finalized interlocal agreement and land swap between the school board and the town of Fort Myers Beach.

During the meeting Committee Vice Chair Barbara Hill wanted to know what change was made to cause this latest delay. Parks and Recreation Director Alison Giesen said the recent site plan changes occurred as a result of the many surveys determining where things can be built. She stated that the parties involved are “still agreeable but just need to make a few adjustments.” The ball field will be shifted to accommodate the school board.

Construction of a new Bay Oaks campus is third in line to be built from “the big three” projects the town of Fort Myers Beach borrowed $10 million to help fund. Bayside park will be built first. That will be followed by the redevelopment of Times Square after the 2022 season. Bay Oaks, only at the 30% design stage as of now will follow Times Square.

The Town Council is expected to review the new Bay Oaks plan, with the adjusted field at an upcoming meeting.