Finance Director Quits


After only five months in the job, Town of Fort Myers Beach Finance Director Walter Pierce has quit. We’ve been told the reason for his resignation was disagreements within the department. Here’s the resignation letter Pierce sent the Town Manager.


The purpose of this Letter is to notify you that I will be terminating my employment with the Town of Fort Myers Beach effective Wednesday, March 31, 2021. With your permission, today Friday, March 5, 2021 will be my final day at Town Hall. For the remaining time through Wednesday, March 31, 2021 I will be available to you for consultation by phone when needed. 

I feel very fortunate to have been given this opportunity to serve as the Town’s Director of Finance. I take great pride that in such a short period of time, that I was able to get finance staff fully prepared for the FY 2020 Audit. The Town Auditors Mauldin & Jenkins indicated that they were pleased with how well prepared the finance staff was for their visits in January. They also indicated that there would not be any material weaknesses or negative findings as was displayed in the past two Audit years. I also feel that I was instrumental in assisting Angie Brewer & Consultants recently in finding an additional $1 million available for reimbursement from the water side street projects. I assisted with the closing of the new $10,000,000 capital improvement revenue note-series 2020. I have further upgraded and added key staff to the finance department that should ensure continuity and financial stabilization. Finally, I feel that I have opened lines of communication not just with Town departments but with citizen committees such as the Town’s Audit Committee. 

Due to the above and more, I feel, that I am leaving this Town in a better fiscal position than it was when I first started. While I feel some remorse about this decision, I do however feel that it is time to move on.

I wish you and the Town much success in the future. 

Walter H. Pierce, III 

Craig Steinhoff of HBK CPAs & Consultants is the Town’s Interim Finance Director, along with his associate Maria Molinay who is acting as Interim Finance Manager.

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