How About Those Creative Kids?


Check out the artwork created by young, local, budding artists from the Fort Myers Beach elementary school. Beach school art teacher Holly Nichols, a golden coconut award winner, is displaying her amazing students’ art at the Fort Myers Beach library.

Head up to the third floor of the library to check out the artwork from the students and to vote on your favorite piece.

While you’re at the library don’t miss out on all the exhibits located on all three floors.

There’s a hand carved and sculpted gumbo limbo tree (the official tree of Fort Myers Beach) and historical photographs of the library on the first floor.

There’s also doll, shell, and Ukraine egg collections on the second floor and sand sculpture on the third floor to mention a few of the wonderful things to see.

The Fort Myers Beach Library is located at 2755 Estero Blvd. and the hours are Mon.-Fri 9 AM-5PM and Sat 9-1.