Another Busy Week For Those Lights


A special public safety committee meeting this morning at 9AM and a special Marine Resources Task Force committee meeting tomorrow at 3PM will both be about the lighting situation on Estero Boulevard.

The town’s lighting consultant, Town Lighting, provided both committees with a questionnaire looking for feedback. Both meetings this week have only one agenda item: the Estero Boulevard Lighting Project. The purpose of the special meetings was to allow the committees to discuss the lighting issue and then either complete the survey individually, or collectively as an advisory board.

The committees may also craft a recommendation to the town council as a reference document for the next phase.

The consultants are taking the surveys from the two committees and input from the two stakeholder meetings to formulate their preliminary recommendations to Town Council at their June 7th meeting. Final recommendation is due to the council by the end of September. The consultant could be paid as much as $185,000.

The biggest issue has been trying to find lights that will keep the residents and visitors safe on the Boulevard and not cause turtle disorientation on the beach. Will it be Amber lights, white LED lights or a combination of the two?