Town Approves $27K For Consultant


On Monday the Fort Myers Beach Town Council approved $26,880 to pay Sarah Propst to develop a Workforce Housing policy and work on the town’s Comprehensive Plan. With rising real estate values and escalating rents, the town council has made it a priority to come up with a plan to find affordable housing for local workers.

Propst works for a company called Axis Infrastructure. She’s worked as a contractor for town before, assisting the town in updating several sections of the Land Development Code.

According to Propst’s resume, “The codes were rewritten to address unintended consequences of development & to improve community resiliency. The update process included joint sessions & public hearings as well as discussions with island residents & developers, to ensure all sides of the issue were understood & considered.”

The annual application for a vacation rental was raised from $50 to $300 during the budget process specifically to address this growing need on the beach.

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