Women On A Mission


(By Kim Ryan) On Wednesday I had the great pleasure of attending a Fort Myers Beach Woman’s club meeting. It took place at the clubhouse which is the beautifully historic first schoolhouse located on Sterling Ave.

The Woman’s club has been in existence since 1950 and is deeply rooted in the beach community. “The mission of the Woman’s Club is to support educational and recreational activities for non-profit and charitable organizations operating with the greater Fort Myers Beach community, to build fellowship and promote community involvement.”

Before the meeting got started there was time to socialize, have a bite to eat and then settle in.

After introductions and some discussion about all the upcoming events, of which there are many, the request for members to sign up to help various committees went out to the obliging group.

You can see the calendar they maintain which highlights all the fun things going on around FMB: The Bay Oaks Family Fright Night on October 22nd and 7th Annual Mini-Masters Golf Tournament at Jungle Golf on Thursday October 28th, to name a few.

Then it was time for the evening’s speaker, Jacki Liszak, the President of the FMB Chamber of Commerce. She spoke about what the Chamber is and does in the community, discussed the initiatives of the SWFL Chamber alliance then shared her thoughts on clean water, the island’s current economics and tourism.

FMB Chamber President Jacki Liszak

During the presentation, there were lively conversations among those in attendance focusing on issues related to the beach such as affordable housing, flood insurance and helping beach residents in need. You could tell how passionate they were about their community and their sincere desire to make a difference as well as enjoying each other’s company. Everyone in attendance was warm and affable.

The Women’s club has grown in the last four years to over 70 members (not all of whom are women by the way) but they are always looking to add more like minded individuals.

Please visit the Woman’s Club website to get more information on this amazing group.

If you have an event you’d like us to cover feel free to send me an e-mail at kimandjillian@gmail.com


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