The FMB Chamber Gala is Tonight


The Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Monte Carlo Night is tonight from 4:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at Cape Cabaret in Cape Coral. Tickets are $75 per person and there are still a f ew available.

Your ticket includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, two drink tickets, entry to the grand prize, $25,000 in casino cash, an awards ceremony, installation of new Board members and recognition of Board and Ambassadors, live music, and much more.

This year, six special awards will be presented to area businesses for their outstanding contributions. The Chamber’s “Environmental Award,” will be presented to FGCU Water School for its award-winning initiatives in education, research and sustainable practices. The “Civic Award,” will posthumously honor Dan Hughes for his invaluable service to – – and love of — our island. The “Special Recognition Award” will be presented to John Gavin for his dedication to the Fort Myers Beach Chamber. The “Commitment to Community Award,” will honor Friends of Lovers Key & the Florida State Park system for their partnership and contribution to build the first visitor center in a state park in over 20 years. The Welcome and Discovery center will be an asset to our island community. The Chamber has chosen the King Family Foundation to receive its “Friends of the Beach Award,” for its vision to help local beach non-profits to reach financial goals above and beyond and have a lasting positive impact on our community.

Purchase tickets HERE.


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