A New Bay Oaks By The End of 2023


That’s what the Town Manager told the Bay Oaks Recreational Campus Advisory Committee this week. The committee received the tentative timeline for final approval of the plans, when bids will be due and when construction might begin.

Improvements to the 15-acre park facility include:
A new building
Two ball fields with lighting
Improved entrance and exit for pedestrians and vehicles
Outdoor basketball, pickleball, tennis courts
A stage for concerts and events

Town Manager Roger Hernstadt says a 90% design should be in front of the committee by April and then to the town council for a vote. If all goes according to plan, construction is expected to begin in May of 2022 and, according to Hernstadt, the project should be completed by the end of 2023.

There was no update from Hernstadt on where the cost of the new facility stands. As of November the project was over the $5.5 million budget set aside for the new campus.

The Town did receive a $1 million federal grant to help pay for the cost of the redevelopment of the Bay Oaks Recreational Campus. The grant is from the National Park Service – Land and Water Conservation Fund.