A New Era Set to Begin at Town Hall


When we bring you the next Fort Myers Beach Town Council meeting Live on March 7th it should sound perfect. Town hall has been plagued with technical issues for years. The faulty equipment cuts out on speakers and council members and at other meetings when it malfunctions, which was regularly.

8 months ago the town council allocated up to $283,000 for new audio and video equipment for town hall. All of the equipment has finally arrived. A council meeting that would have been held this week was canceled so the work could be done.

The town is using Bonita Video to purchase and install the new state-of-the-art technology. Antonio Correia, from Bonita Video, has done previous audio visual work with Estero, and Bonita Springs.

Replacing the entire audio and video system is approximately $141,000. The town originally budgeted $75,000 for new equipment and had to re-allocate the additional funds for the project.


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