Big Library Book Sale is This Weekend


The Friends of The Library is holding a book sale in the Library garage. Paper grocery bags will be provided to everyone which they can fill up with books for only $10.00.

Masks will be mandatory. Disposable gloves and hand sanitizer will be provided. The event runs from 9AM to 2PM both days.

The goal is to clean out the book storage. Due to Covid, the library has been unable to hold a book sale since January of 2020. They generally make around $2,000 and each year the Friends donate $20,000 to the library for the Director’s wish list.

Chester Rogers will be on hand to paint free portraits for the kids.

The FMB Community Foundation will also be there selling there #WeAreFMB merchandise.

Volunteers are needed to help set up and tear down today. Please contact Jan Fleming if you’re available to volunteer at