Atterholt Wants to Clean The Sidewalks


Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt wants to see boots on the ground every Tuesday cleaning the sidewalks up and down the entire 7-mile island.

Sand and debris continue to litter the sidewalks up and down Estero Boulevard on Fort Myers Beach. It’s coming from sand that blows from the beach. It’s coming from work trucks entering and leaving sidewalks up and down the Boulevard. It’s coming from debris being moved up and down and off the island as the long cleanup continues.

Atterholt wants to see beach staff, employees, local residents and anyone else that’s interested, out on the sidewalks every Tuesday morning for several hours cleaning the sidewalks. He’d like to see sections of the Boulevard cleaned up every Thursday and undoubtedly this will be an ongoing issue with all the upcoming home and businesses that are expected to be built.

Atterholt is hopeful that town staff will take on his challenge and organized the “Tuesday Tidy Ups.”


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