Bay Oaks Repairs Delayed by Two Months


Nothing seems to go according to plan on Fort Myers Beach following the devastation of Hurricane Ian. The latest disruption is the rehabilitation of the Bay Oaks building which needs to be completed before the next school year begins if there’s any chance the kids on the beach will return to their school.

The town has hired a company called The Gleason Group to clean the old Bay Oaks building. They were given 90 days to complete the project. The School District has told the town that in order for them to agree to any of the options to rebuild the Beach School by the Fall, Bay Oaks must be open to provide after-school programs for the kids.

This week when we asked Interim Town Manager Keith Wilkins if The Gleason Group begun the rehab work, here’s what he said, “Yes but we didn’t anticipate the (Fort Myers Beach) Fire District’s permitting requirement of plans for the old systems we’re replacing.”

The town inherited the building from Lee County and, according to Wilkins, nobody has the plans for the building so now the town has to draw up new ones. “We’re contracting an architect to do that but it is going to delay starting by maybe two months.”

When we asked Wilkins if that put the planned school opening in jeopardy he said, “It squeezes the schedule but we’re not throwing in the towel. I think there’s plenty of latitude in the schedule, our process and alternatives.” He did not say what those alternatives were.

Meanwhile the School District and the town have not yet agreed on an inter-local agreement and the school board will not vote on rebuilding the school until that inter-local is signed by both sides. The sticking point now appears to be that the district wants the town to show increased enrollment in 3 years and the town thinks that should be five. The reality is it’ll be at least a year, perhaps longer, until many local residents are even back in their homes on the island due to the total destruction left behind by the storm.



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