Bayside Park Groundbreaking Set


Fort Myers Beach Town Manager Roger Hernstadt told the town council this week that the groundbreaking for the new Bayside Park will be the middle of August. The town is spending just under $1 million to rehab the park which is located between Nervous Nellie’s and Snug Harbor at the end of Old San Carlos.

The project includes a stage, hardscape paving, shade structures, motorized trellises and landscaping. There was also early discussions about a veterans memorial of some sort but that has not been discussed by the council or Hernstadt in any recent public discussions about the park.

The park had an old Gazebo, which at times was used by the homeless, and a concrete pit area that used to be a fountain.

Bayside Park is one of three major projects the town borrowed $10 million for.

Wright Construction was the sole bidder for the project.

New Bayside Park artist rendering
Bayside Park – Before.

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