Beach Bar Clears Next Hurdle Toward Rebuild


The Beach Bar, which was located on I Street right on Fort Myers Beach, is one step closer to coming back. On Monday the Fort Myers Beach Town Council voted to move the project onto a 2nd public hearing. That’s the final step in the government process before the rebuild can begin.

The project was unanimously approved by the LPA back in June.

Because owner Greg Boyd is requesting a rezone of the property it needs to go through two public hearings. The second public hearing will be held on September 9th.

Construction is expected to begin later this Fall. Boyd says he expects the build to take 8 months once the work begins.

The Beach Bar was completely destroyed by Hurricane Ian nearly two years ago. Musical acts that perform at The Beach Bar are primarily Blues focused.

The new Beach Bar, designed by Studio A.D. and to be built by Stevens Construction, will be located on its original site at 1668 I Street.

The new Beach Bar will encompass approximately 10,000 square feet in a three-story building. The first floor is designed to provide customers with a unique experience in keeping with its festive small-town vibe, and will house an open-air bar, stage and restroom trailer.

The interior design concept includes a neutral stucco exterior façade with a pop of bright yellow Bahama shutters to tie in the Beach Bar’s long-standing yellow beer mug logo. The interior will be designed with a coastal modern aesthetic, a neutral color palette and contrasting light and dark cabinetry throughout.




  1. Great to hear some building going on and the town council approving design and concept.
    So what’s going on farther down the beach? The Library? Old Junkanoo property? Where Gulf View Colony was?
    I understand the City Council is not approving things down there.

    • Huh?? Projects are moving through LPA and Town Council. No, not everything gets approved but many projects have been.

      As covered in previous BTR articles, the library’s delay in reopening is due to waiting on elevator parts/installation. Gulf View Colony is listed for sale and word on the street is it has a buyer.


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