Boat Show Has Biggest Year Ever


The 6th annual Lovers Key Boat Show, Market and Seafood Fest was a tremendous success last weekend. Over $5,000 people paid a $5.00 cover charge, over three days, with tens of thousands of dollars was raised for local charities.

100% of the proceeds are given to the organizations the Rotary supports such as providing high school scholarships at Bonita Springs High and Estero High. The Rotary also does international work, cleaning water in third world countries. And they work with the Bill Gates Foundation.

This year a portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Friends of Lovers Key to help pay for equipment in the classrooms at the new Welcome and Education Center.

The event is organized by the Bonita Beach Rotary. Bob Lombardo, who’s been with the Rotary for 11 years, is the President this year. He told us one boat vendor sold ten boats this year and expects to sell another 10 from follow-up calls. Lombardo says more than 50% of the vendors at this show always return. “We make them comfortable and consequently we get repeat vendors. They say they sell more boats at our little show than they do at some of the bigger shows.”

60 people volunteer their time for the event over the three days it runs.
Check out the Boat Show website HERE and Facebook HERE.