Bridge Toll Idea Dead as a Door Nail


Fort Myers Beach Town Council Member Karen Woodson’s idea to put tolls at the two bridges coming over to Fort Myers Beach was put to rest Wednesday. Woodson wanted to explore installing tolls as a way to reduce traffic to the beach and cut-through’s she says occur from the Bonita side. She did not provide any data to the Town Council or other lawmakers to show that tolls would help with either.

Woodson’s idea was not well received from the majority of followers on the Beach Talk Radio Facebook page who weighed in on the issue on three different occasions. Woodson also said she received feedback about her idea. To laughter from the rest of the Town Council Woodson said, “I do appreciate some of the comments I received.” Adding, “I got comments.”

Woodson said she received a letter from the Lee County attorney’s office through Lee County Commissioner Kevin Ruane explaining why tolls could not be added to either bridge. Woodson concluded from the letter that they are a long away from considering a bridge toll, if at all. The letter said that tolls could not be added to the Matanzas Pass Bridge (state owned) because the bridge is not being replaced. The Matanzas Pass Bridge is not being replaced. Therefore, according to the plain language of the statute it does not appear that there would be the ability to impose tolls on the bridge at this point,” Assistant Lee County Attorney Joseph Adams wrote.

The Big Carlos Pass Bridge is being replaced, however, the time to consider tolls has long passed. Any request to add tolls to that bridge needed to take place prior to acquiring federal funds to rebuild the bridge and before construction began. Lee County owns the Big Carlos Pass Bridge which they started replacing several months ago. …”the discussions to implement a new toll facility likely would have had to take place with the federal government prior to applying for and acquiring the federal monies and commencement of construction, Adams wrote.

Woodson’s conclusion at the Town Council meeting: “As we did our due diligence there is absolutely no way that this is going to happen now or anytime in the near future. So that’s where we are with that discussion.”

Woodson’s response to Commissioner Ruane in their e-mail back and forth: “Seems to be red tape and road blocks in every direction.”

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  1. Due Diligence? Karen Woodson did not do any due diligence. If she did, she would have known what Lee County informed her. Karen Woodson needs replaced ASAP. She’s literally clueless and ads no value whatsoever to the people of FMB!!

  2. I as a visitor, make a point to use appropriate cross walks when crossing roads on Ft Myers Beach. We stay within walking distance to everything to avoid being in traffic. I Agree that charging tolls to get on Ft Myers Beach would not resolve your traffic issues. We have been spending vacations in Ft Myers Beach for years now and during various times of year. There have always been traffic issues, especially during spring break! I am happy the suggestion to charge tolls to get on the island has died. I don’t think it’s necessary to verbally beat someone up for the idea and do agree that it should have been looked into even deeper prior to submitting the idea would have been better than presenting the idea blindly. Council needs to work together to come up with a solution to improving traffic flow. Someone with fresh ideas should be appreciated, not beat up. Change is always hard but ideas for change should be better received!! Being a transplant is a good thing, not a bad thing and most that own are transplants. I wish you all well!! FMB strong!!

  3. Council Member Karen Woodson’s suggestion for bridge tolls, although not researched, was a thought in the right direction. As a home owner on the South end of the island, the traffic issues have got to be addressed. During peak season this year it took us 1 hour to get to the north end of the island. Until the Council can make some headway with handling island traffic, Fort Myers Beach will not be a very desirable place to live or visit.
    AND, laughter is not a bad thing when things are tense!

  4. Thanks for the update, I don’t live on FMB but I am glad the toll bridge idea fell through. It would have just added more costs to your food and entertainment bills.

  5. Woodson’s idea was not well received from the majority of followers on the Beach Talk Radio Facebook page who weighed in on the issue on three different occasions. Woodson also said she received feedback about her idea. To laughter from the rest of the Town Council Woodson said, “I do appreciate some of the comments I received.” Adding, “I got comments.”

    and they think its funny? how sad

    • You clearly missed why there was laughter.

      Councilor Woodson said she appreciated SOME of the comments she received, doubtless because others, rather than disagreeing in a respectful manner, were likely hateful personal attacks and insults.

      • Did anyone ever tell you how ANNOYING you are? You don’t live on the beach, you don’t own property on the beach, you think you know all about the beach. Shut up already and worry about your own torn wherever that is. Do you even live in FL. Are you even a real person Holly O?

  6. I wish Ms. Woodson had done her “due diligence” before she proposed this toll idea. To me this was a slap in the face to the people who have traveled to FMB to help with cleanups and support local restaurants and businesses, especially
    out of season. Now you want to charge us to support you. We are in the peak of hurricane season. Be considerate of the stress everyone is under as storms form in the Gulf and quit giving everyone something else to worry about.

    • Agree on the slap in the face …to all Lee/Collier County residents. How absurd to even bring the conversation to the table. What has she brought to the table since being on Council? asking for a friend

      • The laughter from her and the Mayor added to the insult. When you make bad proposals, you get bad comments. I did not think there ever was anything funny about any of it.

        • It was *very* funny when Councilor Woodson said she appreciated some of the comments she received. Doubtless she was not including those who sent her emails with nasty personal attacks, rather than simply expressing, respectfully, their opposition to a potential toll.

      • Karen Woodson has brought nothing to the table of any value. She’s a waste of a council seat. She’s in Tom Torgerson’s pocket, just like the rest of council. He’s says jump, they ALL say how hi! It’s a joke. Did you ever watch and listen to her during a council meeting. CLUELESS KAREN! Sorry but it’s true.

  7. Woodson is a transplant and one who has not lived here very long to understand how things work.

    The issue isnt the traffic itself, it pedestrians crossing every 15 seconds so cars cannot travel efficiently up and down the island. No joker who actually is from this area is using the beach to cut up to Fort Myers from Bonita springs. True residents know its faster to go through Estero.

    Great thing about our country is our constitution, especially the first ten Amendments. Mrs. Woodson, just becuase you have money to afford the beach doesnt mean that those who lost everything in the hurricane would like to come back without having to spend $1000 for 2 nights on the island. Woodson, you and King have led to the downfall of old FMB, one that had small town charm and character. Yall set the precedent with Margaritaville and Myerside 2.0. Hopefully your friend Beverly can pay her employees now since thats been a struggle in the past.

    The island is becoming a rich persons playground, while members of the new council are pushing out the workers, families, and poor.

    • Who’s chasing who from the island? That ridiculous. The only thing that did that was the storm and the inability for people to rebuild due to no insurance, not enough insurance and thus no money to rebuild. It sucks… but it’s the reality.

    • Council members are not rich. The Mayor rents, doesn’t own any property on FMB, John and Jim own small condos on the south end. Scott and Karen own a house, Karen’s house is modest, not a “rich” persons house.

  8. Another issue with traffic is that pedestrians need to learn how or where to cross the road. I wish there were ‘walkovers’ for people to and from the beach. Traffic slows to a crawl because of constant foot traffic on the road.

  9. How to deal with the traffic ……in such a method, while NOT taking away from businesses or people from coming enjoying enjoying the beach…………toll bridges definitely not the solution.


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