Can You Spare A Little Blood?


Earlier this month the American Red Cross sent out an alert that the nation is facing a severe blood shortage. If you’d like to help out there are two blood drives coming to the Fort Myers Beach area over the next several weeks.

The Key West Express is hosting its summer Blood Drive at the Fort Myers Beach terminal located at 1200 Main street on Wednesday, June 30th from 9am-1 pm. All donors will be entered into a drawing for 2 round trip tickets on the Key West Express.

And Lee Health is hosting a blood drive Tuesday, July 6th Sanibel Community House from 10am-3pm. The Community House is located at 2173 Periwinkle Way on Sanibel.

The Red Cross says there are a number of reasons for the limited supply of blood. “There’s an increase in the number of trauma cases and elective surgeries, patients who deferred care during the pandemic. They have more advanced disease progression, therefore requiring increased blood transfusions.”

Lee Health is also in critical need especially type o+ however all blood type levels are below normal. All blood donated at a Lee Health event stays to help the patients within Lee Health.
There are also benefits to those who donate. They receive a mini physical: checking pulse, blood pressure, temperature, blood type and cholesterol level.

To donate you must weigh 115 lbs or more and be at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent).