Candidates Have Four Weeks To Get in The Race


And there are still only four candidates for the two open seats on the Fort Myers Beach Town Council. They are John King, Ray Murphy, Patrick Romcoe and Karen Woodson. The final day to qualify for the November election is June 17th.

The seats coming up for election are those now occupied by Ray Murphy and Rexann Hosafros.

Each candidate must file a monthly Treasurer’s report showing how much money they have raised for their campaign. To date, John King has raised the most money for his campaign with $2,600 in the bank. Ray Murphy has $200 in his account, and both Patrick Romcoe and Karen Woodson have not raised any money for their campaigns yet.

Campaign funds are typically used for signs and mailers.

Once the qualifying period ends we plan to host three candidate forums all around the island. We have also created a candidates page HERE so you can stay up to date on how to reach the candidates. it includes links to donate to their campaigns and any columns they have written for us.

Fort Myers Beach town council terms are four years.

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