

Captains Lands Big Name For Board

Longtime Captains For Clean Water supporter Gene Nesbeda has joined the organization’s board of directors. Nesbeda has invested in Yeti Coolers, GE and other successful companies.

Watch vs. Warning

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) As we continue through the busiest months of hurricane season we strive to reiterate the importance of being aware and being prepared.  

School Zone SafetyTips

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) With the school back in session this week, it's important to remember to follow a few school zone safety tips. Members of our department will be hanging out in the school zone to welcome back students, but also to remind drivers to slow down.

Lightning Safety Tips

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) Each year in the United States, there are about 25 million cloud-to-ground lightning flashes and about 300 people are struck by lightning. Of those struck, approximately 30 people are killed and others suffer lifelong disabilities.

Dolphin Watching Tips

(By Monica Lynn, “The Fairy Podmother”) One of the highlights of spending time on the water is seeing our athletic dolphins in action. There are a few things to keep in mind, however, to ensure the well-being of our pod.

Firework Safety Tips From Chief Love

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) As the 4th of July quickly approaches, we know that people are looking forward to a fun filled holiday with family and friends.  It is always a great time to celebrate with barbecues and booms.

Staying Safe Around The Swimming Pool

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) Over the last couple of weeks we have felt the very warm temperatures typically felt in the summer months here in SW Florida. These warm temperatures have people looking for a place to cool off and there's nothing better than a nice cool swimming pool.

PTSD Awareness Month

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month is observed in June and it ushers in an array of awareness campaigns run for the benefit of PTSD survivors.

Hurricane Preparedness – From The Fire Chief

(By Matt Love) The 2021 Hurricane Season has officially started. We know that most of our residents and visitors are well aware of this and have been preparing throughout the year for this season. Having a good plan and being prepared can greatly lessen the anxiety and stress of a storm event.

Adapting After Trauma & Stress

(By FMB Fire Chief Matt Love) We all face trauma, adversity, and other stresses throughout our lives. When people think of trauma, they often think of things like abuse, terrorism, or catastrophic events (big ‘T’ trauma).

Dealing with Anger & Frustration 

(By Matt Love) As we continue May’s Mental Health Series, we would like to cover the challenges in dealing with anger and frustration. In challenging times, you may find that you have little patience with other people or get upset over minor things.

Getting Out of Thinking Traps

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) For many of us, overthinking is a normality and it’s easy to fall into negative thinking patterns and spend time bullying yourself, dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future.

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month

(By Matt Love) Since 1949, many mental health affiliates have observed May as Mental Health Awareness Month. We would like to provide our community with several articles throughout the month and hope our visitors and residents will join us in supporting the Mental Health Awareness Month.

Stress Awareness Month

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) Stress Awareness Month has been recognized every April since 1992, but this year it seems particularly important. Learning to cope with our stress and finding healthy ways to deal with these situations can go a long way in living a healthy and positive life.

FEMA Help for COVID-19 Funeral Costs

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) We are pleased to share that as of April 12, 2021, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is accepting applications to assist individuals and families with funeral costs in the event they have lost a loved one from COVID-19.  

National Public Safety Week

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) During the first full week of April each year (April 5 - April 11), the American Public Health Association brings together communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week.

Change Your Clocks, Change Your Batteries

(By Fire Chief Matt Love) This past Sunday we set our clocks forward one hour for Daylight Saving Time.  We would like to remind everyone that this is a perfect time to check and change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.