Chambers Pause Luncheons, Bring in Vaccine


Due to the spike in COVID-19 cases the Sanibel/Captiva Chamber has placed a pause on in-person monthly luncheon meetings. It has also scheduled a visit from the Golisano Children’s Hospital Mobile Pediatric Vaccination Clinic in the parking lot of its Francis P. Bailey, Jr., Visitor Center parking lot on Tuesday, Aug. 31, from 12 to 5 p.m. and then again for second doses on Thursday, Sep. 23.

“The board of directors has voted unanimously to hold off on physical business meetings for at least a couple of months,” said John Lai, chamber president and chief executive officer. “This delta variant of the coronavirus has quickly become a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and we want to do all we can to keep island residents safe. It is my hope that making a vaccination site more available to our community will make decisions easier for those citizens who are on the fence.”

The free vaccination clinic, which will be administering Pfizer coronavirus immunization, is walk-up only, and although it targets children ages 12 and older, all ages are welcomed. A parent or authorized guardian must accompany a minor for vaccination.

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