Commissioners Approve Two Sanibel Causeway Contracts


Lee County Commissioners have awarded two contracts for ongoing improvements to the Sanibel Causeway. The $8.5 million project began July 12th with the removal of Australian Pines, an invasive exotic species. Tourist Development Funds are being used to pay for the work which will be complete by summer of 2024.

The contracts are part of a larger project on the Causeway islands. Plans approved by the Board in December call for the shoring up of erosion-prone areas of Islands A and B, which are part of the Sanibel Causeway. Beach sand also will be added along parts of these islands. In addition, enhancements will be made to upland portions of both islands, including the creation of structured parking, new restrooms on Island A, additional picnic pavilions, pathways and landscaping, and the addition of other park amenities.

On Tuesday Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. was awarded the contract for the construction engineering and inspection (CEI) services for the shoreline stabilization and upland improvements of Islands A and B. And, Spectrum Contracting, Inc. was awarded the contract to provide construction services for the stabilization of the shoreline of Sanibel Causeway Island B.

The construction contract for the stabilization of causeway Island A and upland improvements for Islands A and B will be brought to the Board of the County Commissioners at a later date.

Lee County Parks & Recreation will host an open house from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 26, at the Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreation Center, 16760 Bass Road, Fort Myers for the Causeway Islands Park Improvement project. The public is invited to view preliminary project plans and renderings as well as discuss the park improvements with a consultant and county staff.