Committee Announces First Pop Up


The Town of Fort Myers Beach Marine Resource Task Force has announced its new educational outreach initiative. It’s a Pop-Up Environmental Resource Booth that will be popping up all over Fort Myers Beach throughout the year. Committee members Jennifer Rusk and Steve Johnson spoke about the initiative on Episode 157 of Beach Talk Radio.

The Kick-Off is at the Lovers Key Mermaid Festival this weekend. Volunteers from Turtle Time, The Mound House, Master Gardeners, and Southwest Florida Audubon will be there along with a Florida Master Naturalist.

The committee is looking for volunteers and environmental organizations to be a Pop-Up resource for the booth. Every month you will be emailed a calendar of locations, dates and time slots. If you are interested please email me, Jennifer Rusk, at or call 757-450-5451. Include your name, organization, location, the date you desire, time slot, resource subject, description of any educational handouts, educational modules, or swag you will be bringing with you.