Comprehensive Plan Conundrum


As we reported earlier this week, an ordinance to approve changes to the Fort Myers Beach Comprehensive Plan was pulled from the Town Council’s Monday agenda so a joint LPA/Town Council meeting could be set to discuss the document further. Since that happened plans have changed again.

At first, Town Manager Andy Hyatt (pictured) wanted the item pulled so both bodies could hash out the document further before sending it off to the state for feedback. Then on Wednesday, the town sent out a press release postponing the joint meeting so the town could solicit more feedback from residents about both the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. 

What’s clear is that opinions about how the town’s elected officials proceed with development are all over the board. The road map to rebuilding that guides the decisions the Town Council will make comes from the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Some residents are clearly concerned about the height of future buildings, density of new construction, how the infrastructure will be impacted, and traffic. Decisions made over the next year will have an impact on the island for decades to come.

Excluding condos, the residential rebuild seems to be picking up steam. When you drive down Estero Boulevard or any side street on the island homes are being repaired and new homes are coming out of the ground. The commercial build back has been slower. Some people that live on the island are OK with that. Others say if redevelopment doesn’t pick up soon, those who are investing in the island will sell and move on, and those empty lots will remain empty for a long time. By the way, that’s OK with some people on the island as well. They have more view corridors than they’ve ever had before. 

After the LPA approved the new 10-floor EIBC building by a vote of 5-2 earlier this month, Chair Anita Cereceda wanted the LPA and the Town Council to get into a serious joint discussion about the height of buildings. She does not believe residents are ready to allow bigger buildings on the island yet. Cereceda was very involved in the incorporation of Fort Myers Beach. The main reason the island went through the complicated process of incorporating in 1995 was to stop Lee County from approving high rise buildings. Cereceda was first Mayor from 1995 to 1999.

Town Manager Andy Hyatt explains the reason for the postponement of the joint meeting. After a discussion with staff, I determined the public never had a chance to offer input. There has never been any public meetings regarding the Comp Plan or Land Development Code. So, I decided it was in the best interest of the town to solicit public input.”

The Town Council received about 50 emails from concerned residents about the suggested Comprehensive Plan changes. Mayor Dan Allers said holding public meetings to get more input from the residents “is just the right thing to do.” 

While the meeting dates have not yet been announced it’s likely Hyatt will wait until the majority of residents who go up north for the Summer return to their Fort Myers Beach homes. When the meeting dates are announced we will carry them both live on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

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  1. I am voting for whomever is keeping Andy in his position period. Best thing that has happened on this island hands down. I am hoping we never loose Kristin S,/Flood Plains either!

  2. I see a lot of “condo” comments above-aren’t the condo owners allowed to see their homes rebuilt just like the single family dwellings? Just because the buildings must now meet stricter guidelines, those owners paid taxes, shopped on island and contributed as much as any single family homeowner. The difference is they are at the mercy of building owners as to when they can move back home. If the island is to survive financially for the long term, it has to consider those in condominiums.

  3. “If commercial redevelopment doesn’t pick up soon, those who are investing will sell and move on, possibly leaving those lots empty for a long time”???? Sell to whom?? These developers overpaid for those lots and now they think the residents should feel sorry for them and allow higher density??? News flash, they’ll be long gone when the residents are losing home values be cause no one can move from the South End to the North End in season. It’s already impossible, and they want HIGHER density? The answer is NO.

  4. Density (re traffic) is more of an issue rather than size. If the view of the Gulf from Estero is the question, a 3 story house blocks the view just as a 15 story structure. Two cars from a side-by-side is different than possibly 80 cars from a multi-unit building.
    Could the Town make the center lane available for both the Trolley & left turn? It would require moving in and out of traffic, but would be more attractive to riders moving people faster than by car.
    Could the Town create a bike trail on the beach for a safer way to move north & south? Lots of folks would travel by bike, especially in high season if it were safer, removed from traffic lanes and the sidewalk.

  5. What can be expect from a non-elected council member taking donation $$$ from commercial enterprises?? No surprise a supporter of changing CBD/LDC. This gentleman dismissed it “only $750 not changing my vote” on two commercial projects which he voted on…The donation may seem trivial (“not gonna change my vote”) although $750 pays for election signs inundating the island. Not to mention $750 is almost one third of total campaign budget for other members seeking election. Totally disappointed that the Council would “appoint” this person for remainder of Mr. Veech’s term. Vote prudently for Council this year, perhaps a person with only residential property and little interest in advancing his or other businesses!!!! And stop Mr. non-elected council member with the “nodes” concept which was generally dismissed at last week’s meeting!!! Were you listening?? Let’s hope no return to LDC is planned if not elected.

    • Well the first one that needs to get booted is the Mayor. He votes for everything that will increase the density, which ironically helps his golf cart business. Traffic is our #1 problem which density only makes it worse. All he talks about is the turtle lights and work-force housing and he is a renter so he has no skin in the game.He has an agenda and our property values and quality of life on the beach is not part of the agenda.

  6. The Town Council had a public mtg on this 1 yr ago – without any requirement they put it to a vote and went on record – all agreed to keep the current and original Comp plan as is – it was attended by a very large group of locals –
    Now Dan Aikers and Jim Attlehorn have both gone back on their word – just as scott staffford (the guy who was never elected who has re-elect on his campaign sign) has openly life and changed positions in a few short months – it’s beyond disgraceful – they are power Hungry lap dogs for the real estate companies , rental companies and Developers –
    It’s beyond sad – it is pathetic , they have No Idea the destruction they are doing to the actual people of FMB -they have no idea the disruption , scale and scope of theses despised projects –
    I returned to the Island FT after that Comprehensive meeting with all the zoning charts on the wall of Diamondhead – super excited about future of FMB – 1 yr later and like many residents – I am desperately looking for a way OUT.
    Can’t stress enough the lack of integrity of these gentleman – 2 with major conflicts of interest and the third with some cockamamie idea of commercial development on the South end –
    One yr ago , I was a big supporter of Jim and Dan – now I would have trouble being in the same room with these 2 and Scott and his lies about spending time with his grandchildren and only taking Bill Veach seat for remainder of term is beyond the pale – how does someone campaign on re-elect when they have never been elected dog catcher – the lack of integrity is remarkable .
    This crew can’t execute the most basic management and running of the island – keeping place safe, clean and streets operable –
    Major KUDOS to Anita for speaking up on issue – Thank You .

  7. Shelly,

    November would be way too early for a vote. I would think that public input shouldn’t start until January.

    And thanks to Anita and Dan.

  8. That is great. Community input is always the right way to go. I wish Cape Coral Mayor and City Council would do that. They make decisions behind closed doors with no discussion.

  9. I agree with the horrendous traffic back-ups! It only makes sense that these huge condominium projects will
    Make traffic moving anywhere on the island impossible!
    Thanks for taking a step back to reconsider these issues!

  10. Hi Ed, same comment as above. Can you get to the bottom of who or why the proposals were put on the agenda in the first place. Thank you.

  11. What is traffic going to look like in peak season when all these new high rise condos and the repaired condos open back up? Traffic in peak season is horrible now and people not using the Margaritaville overpass is making it worse.
    We live full time on mid-island and we are not looking forward to the over-development of FMB.

  12. I don’t understand why this is so difficult for counsel members to decide being that they definitely know how the traffic gets during season. I stand on what I have said before every developer should follow in Margaritaville’s footsteps period. It’s not that complicated. Stop trying to bend over backwards for these large developers who don’t even live on the island and all they are interested in, is making money.

  13. Anita is right. We don’t have the infrastructure to support more high rises. Council seems to be giving into developers, all of whom want to take old properties and expand them. How will anyone get to those properties on two-lane Estero Blvd? Traffic has been awful for decades. Allowing more residences on the island (condos or otherwise) will make it worse. At some point, visitors will stop coming because it’s too difficult to get on and off the island. And what about emergency vehicles? How many residents will die waiting on their way to the hospital? How many homes will burn because fire trucks can’t get there? How much will your property insurance go up to accommodate this deficiency?

  14. Thank you (Anita, Dan and Andy) for postponing that meeting and waiting for us to come back to give our input. Even though it has been a slow start, we have to take the time to see what residents want!!!! I hope all of the LPA and Town Council will vote the will of the people and not just what they personally want. Wonder if we could take a vote at November Elections. Even if it is a separate vote!!!!

    • Shelly,
      They gave you their word last year they would not change the comp plan or the ldc.
      The question now is, what seems to be changing that promise. And who is behind it.

      • Lee is 100% correct –
        Dan and Jim’s word is not worth the time of day – same as Scott Stanford .
        Utterly pathetic messing with peoples lives –


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