Concern About A Canal


Residents on Bahia Via and Curlew are concerned that London Bay might turn their backyard canal into a water highway. London Bay owns the Charley’s Boathouse Restaurant property right at the end of the canal. Bahia Via resident Mike Miller joins the show Saturday at 11 to discuss.


  1. Mr. Wilson quote was “We are asking for a large deviation,” “Nobody is going to take this parcel and do a two-story building over parking. It would be a travesty for the land.” It would also be a “travesty” for the local residents to have to endure constant barge traffic. Mr. Wilson also “he lives on the water and some boaters who pass by are “respectful and some aren’t.” Sometimes, Wilson said, the water traffic near his home is “annoying as hell.” From Mr. Ryans show it seems like Mr Wilson lives on a canal hundreds of feet wide. Please someone tell me what the Community Benefit is when in Mr Wilson own words says they are requesting a “Large Deviation”

  2. We live on Bahia Via and I also do not understand why the Town would even consider approving any of the “asks” by London Bay. They have not reached out to us or any of our neighbors about their proposal. Way too much density and height with what I would argue is no community benefit. This will not bring any benefits to local residents. We will get a lot more traffic. Canal full of party boats who we know will completely ignore no wake zone to stay on schedule. Decreased views of the gulf with all the additional trees and 17 story structures. Plus can LB please let us know what they plan to do with Charlie’s property.

  3. I’m on Bahia Via. I expressed my opposition to the town council, and it seems the only person on the council who feels the same way as the residents is Jim Atterholt. All other responses I received (Karen Woodson did not respond) gave me the feeling that we’re on our own without any support from the town. My husband and I were unable to attend the meeting LB held back in May, but from what I was told, they basically told those who attended that their meeting was an informational meeting and they do not need our permission. Isn’t that neighborly……..

  4. Has LB actually said they plan to use the canal for this? Or is this assuming the worst?
    I haven’t heard that they’ve announced any plans for the Charley’s property.

  5. From all the talks I’ve heard, it does not appear that London Bay knows what it means to be a “good neighbor”. The decision to use this canal is driven by greed. There is a neighborhood full of people who oppose his canal use. Not one person supports it. And a great alternative was given to use the Fishtail canal instead. This would give his guests more choices of places to go, thus making their vacation even better! Seems like a no-brainer and a “win/win”. Hopefully LB will think about this, and make the “neighborly” decision, to scrap the Bahia canal idea.

  6. As a resident with a commercial business at the end of our canal, we wish all the residents of Bahia Via and Curlew the best of luck in keeping commercial water traffic out of our residential canals. GOOD LUCK!!


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