Congratulations Julie Nusbaum


Fort Myers Beach (and Wisconsin) resident Julie Nusbaum took 2nd place at the Sanibel-Captiva Art League’s 48th Annual Juried Art show with her painting called Tru Grit.

Julie was awarded 2nd place for her creative interpretation of the Imaginary Lines theme.

Julie said she’s been painting for many years, taking classes and learning as she goes. “Most often I work with watercolor on Yupo paper but lately I’ve been experimenting with acrylic and other water soluble materials, creating organic abstracts which are suggestive of landscapes. I use pictures primarily for inspiration, relying on memory and impressions of various places to complete my paintings. I particularly enjoy letting the paper dictate how the painting will come together, creating something inspiring and inviting that people will find worthy of a second look. It’s a wonderful journey to be on.”

Congratulate Julie directly by e-mail at


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