Controversial Dune Walkover Has Been Built


After years of court fights, tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees, and years of fighting between the homeowners and town staff and government, Eddie Rood and Kurt Kroemer have built their 293-foot walkway to the beach. The wooden walkway took two weeks to build.

In late September the Fort Myers Beach Town Council voted to release Rood and Kroemer’s permit after approving a special exception for the walkover back in March.

The Town Council was holding the permit because the Florida Audubon Society filed a lawsuit against the town alleging the Town Council ignored its own staff and did not follow the rules of its own charter by approving the walkover. Prior to Town Council approval back in March, the Local Planning Agency voted in favor of the dune walkover by a vote of 6-1.

Rood and Kroemer agreed to sign an indemnification letter holding the town harmless if they were to lose the Audubon lawsuit. There has been no update from the court system on when the lawsuit will even be addressed.

For years Rood and Kroemer have claimed that they lost direct access to the beach, behind their homes, due to the constantly shifting Critical Wildlife Area. They say they had access to the beach when they bought their properties.

Rood and Kroemer were planning to file a Bert Harris property rights lawsuit against the town to try to recoup lost value on their homes without direct access to the beach.

Kroemer lost his entire home when Hurricane Ian came through. Rood’s house sustained damage but was not lost.



  1. So now that those 2 who
    manipulated the system have constructed their walkway, what’s to stop every other owner of Gulf front, bay front or canal front property from demanding their wishes for piers into the water from their homes???? Seems to me a very dangerous disgusting precedent has been now set.
    What “special demands” are next and from whom or what entity in this rebuilding process?
    FMB has been well known for allowing whatever money can buy and the results have been a destruction and a blight on beauty for the sake of a very few. Appears to me that train is roaring down the same track!

  2. Captain Obvious says …
    The photo of Kurt & Eddie sitting on the newly constructed walkover was taken soon after the surface boards were installed. The walkover is not finished, there’s still work to be done.

    • I know nothing about walkover construction standards and requirements LOL but I really like the offset/uneven sides! (although perhaps not after a few beach cocktails haha)

      • Why do you think everyone cares what you think? You made a snarky comment to me once because you did not like my opinion. You told me “it is time you go away’. Well I am granting your request. Today is our last food donation to FMB Strong and last donation to the Beach Kiwanis. We will not be crossing the bridge to patronize any businesses. Although my husband and I have only made small financial contributions, we have also participated in over 10 cleanups and many activities to help your recovery. We felt we were all neighbors, on and off the Island. If being part of the Good Ole Boys network gives you the right to be nasty to people you don’t know, we are glad to bow out.

      • Oww- you are hurt and took it personally . Of course it isn’t finished. A reason I don’t post my name is because some people don’t like my snarkiness and might want to came “find” me, It prevents the possibility of great bodily harm to both parties. (snark snark)


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