Council Makes Changes to MERTF Committee


When the Marine & Environmental Resources Task Force meets at 10AM on October 11th at The Mound House, it will look a little different than it has the last few years. On Monday the Fort Myers Beach Town Council appointed two new members to the committee.

The 3 members who’s terms expired did apply but the council chose to replace both Vice Chairman Greg Fossum and Wendy DeGaetano.

After several votes to break ties, the council did reappoint Mary Rose Spalletta. Estero Boulevard resident Eddie Rood made it down to the wire before losing in the final tiebreaker vote to Spalletta.

Dave Nusbaum and William Althoff were voted in to replace Fossom and DeGaetano.

The remaining 4 seats held be Steve Johnson, Jennifer Rusk, Rose Larkin and Robert Howell (who is not a resident or property owner of Fort Myers Beach) all expire at the end of 2024.


  1. Hopefully the two new members can change the direction and add balance, common sense, sanity and respectability to this committee. There are many, many people on this island (besides the previous MERTF members) that have a deep love and respect for wildlife, nature and the environment but there also needs to be a balance with human comfort and safety.

    • Why is there always a “but”on the preservation issues Steve?
      On that vulnerable island you either commit to preservation or you create exceptions that lead to degredation.
      Lee County government chose reams of exceptions decades ago. The beach should not do that.

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