Councilman King Donates Annual Pay to Charity


On Saturday, Fort Myers Beach Town Councilman John King was a guest on Beach Talk Radio where he donated three $5,073.28 checks to local charities. King’s, wife Chris King, added another $2,536.64 to each of those checks.

Councilman King vowed to donate his entire town council paycheck to charity if he was elected. On Saturday he kept that campaign promise with the three donations. Watch King hand over the checks HERE.

Chris King works for Principal Financial Group, headquartered in Des Moines. She says her company match is a benefit provided to employees for contributions made to qualifying nonprofits as part of their corporate charitable giving program.

The donations were made to The Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club, FMB Strong and The Fort Myers Beach Art Association.

Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club President Dawn Thomas said, The Woman’s Club would like to thank John and Chris King for their generosity and commitment. This donation will be designated to the rebuilding of our clubhouse on Fort Myers Beach. It’s our goal to, once again, have a clubhouse where our community and all nonprofits can gather.”

FMB Strong’s Heidi Jungwirth said, “We are extremely thankful for the donation from John and Chris King along with her company’s donation to FMB STRONG. This will help us help families over the Holidays get a Hot Meal.”

And, Fort Myers Beach Art Association Membership Chair Star Sherwood added, “When you hear the saying, “we are in this together”, it truly can be defined by the generosity of Councilman John R. King and his wife Chris. The Fort Myers Beach Art Association is grateful for the donation of $5,073.28 as part of his annual salary and a 50% match from Chris’s employer. We are so grateful for the love that they have for our FMB community and their desire to help the local non-profits succeed in their efforts to keep on going. Thank you John and Chris from the bottom of our hearts.”

Here is a look at the Art Association’s new building rendering…



  1. what wonderful, unselfish act of kindness! when other elected officials are trying to figure out ways to grab more money, this just shows not all politicians are greedy money grabbers. Being from the north, we notice these things which is why we keep coming back!

  2. Thank you Chris & John King!
    Good people still exist, and in this community and FMB’s visitors, vacationers, supporters and followers there are so many compassionate, generous people.

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