County Getting $3.8 Million To Help The Homeless


As part of a $5 billion distribution by the federal government, Lee County is getting $3.8 million to help battle its homeless problem. It’s unknown exactly how Lee County will spend the money or if Fort Myers Beach will receive any funds. Many resident believe there are more homeless on Fort Myers Beach than ever before.

The announcement was made by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge. The feds say the money will “help communities across the country create affordable housing and services for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.”

Fudge said, “Homelessness in the United States was increasing even before COVID-19, and we know the pandemic has only made the crisis worse. HUD’s swift allocation of this $5 billion in American Rescue Plan funding reflects our commitment to addressing homelessness as a priority. With this strong funding, communities across the country will have the resources needed to give homes to the people who have had to endure the COVID-19 pandemic without one.”

The funding will be allocated through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program to 651 grantees, including states, insular areas, and local governments.