Do You Have Any of These Signs?


The Estero Island Historical Society has collected and cleaned a number of the hand-painted street signs that the Fort Myers Beach community created in the months after Hurricane Ian. Many are displayed inside the Historic Cottage at the end of Bay Road. Do you happen to have one of those signs?

If you still have one of these unique signs, please consider donating it to the EIHS; or, take a high-resolution photo and send it to or The EIHS is working on posters that feature sets of street signs by neighborhood. 

The Historical Society also lost most of their holiday decorations from an outdoor shed. If you have Christmas decorations or lights to donate, please drop them off on Saturday. The two cottages will be decorated as the Historical Society welcomes the public to its Holiday Open House – old Florida style – on Friday, December 6 from 2 – 4 p.m.


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